If you have been struggling with substance use disorder, there are many ways in which you can practice self-care. Self-care can mean different things to different people, but regardless of what it means to you there are three basic ways used by those in recovery. By implementing these three practices into your daily routine you will be better able to cope with negative moods, stress and difficult situations while also helping yourself stay on the right path toward recovery.

Self care is important whether you’re an addict trying to recover from addiction or a person looking for ways to practice self care. In this article, we will discuss how to practice self-care in addiction recovery, whether it’s something you do every day or just one time a week.

3 ways to practice self care

Self-care is a simple concept, but it encompasses more than just your physical health. It includes the way you handle stress, deal with trauma, build relationships and other things that impact your health on an ongoing basis. Self-care helps you take care of yourself by ensuring that the things that matter most in your life are supported and managed properly.

Self care is a critical aspect of addiction recovery because it helps our bodies adjust to all the changes that come with sobriety. Sometimes, doing a certain thing can cause us to feel better, while another may make us feel worse. Self-care practices can vary but they all serve the same purpose — to care for ourselves in some way shape or form.

It’s no secret that addiction recovery is tough. It can be easy to complain at times, but it is important to remember that you are strong and have the power to make a difference. Self care is an important part of recovery because it helps us maintain our health, confidence, and mental well being.

Ways To Practice Self Care In Addiction Recovery.

self care in addiction recovery

Addiction can lead to self-destructive behaviors like drug and substance abuse which occur due to self-neglect. The behaviors are usually brought about by stress, negative emotions, and boredom. The good thing is that one can recover from addiction and regain their sobriety.

Among the best ways to beat addiction is to find the best drug and alcohol detox centers to help you recover. However, self-care is what determines the success of your journey to sobriety. Self-care will help you stay sober and maintain a happier and healthier life.

Here are some ways to practice self-care while recovering from addiction.

  1. Learn to Manage Stress

Stress can lead to relapse when recovering from addiction, especially if you’re in the initial stages of recovery. Ideally, self-care is meant to keep your stress levels down. There are various self-care activities you can adopt to manage stress.

For instance, when your stress levels are high, your muscles will tighten in response, and when the stress comes down, the muscles relax. Getting a massage will help release muscle tension and rebalance your hormones. This will blow all the stress away and help you relax.

Again, you should identify potential stressors and try to avoid them by all means.

  1. Exercise

According to research, one needs only 30 minutes of light exercise to benefit their body, which is also helpful in addiction recovery. Physical activities will help keep stress levels down and reduce the risks of cardiovascular diseases.

When exercising, the body releases dopamine, a neurotransmitter that helps control your emotional responses. It doesn’t need to be a body-building exercise; you just need to keep your body active. To make this more fun, find something you like doing. It could be walking, playing soccer, running, or even riding a bike.

In simple terms, regular exercises reduce anxiety, stress, and depression while improving concentration and mood, all of which are excellent for recovery.

  1. Take a Healthy Diet

Addiction damages your health in various ways, which in turn causes malnutrition, increased cancer risks, and cardiovascular diseases. To reverse your risks and improve your overall health, you should have a diet rich in antioxidants, whole foods, and various nutrients. Some of the foods to incorporate in your diet include;

• Fish
• Fruits
• Vegetables
• Whole grains
• Nuts
• Beans

A healthy diet will fuel your brain and body, keeping your blood sugar and mood stable. You should avoid eating junk foods and instead opt for a balanced diet. Also, you need to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.

Water helps repair the damages to your body as a result of substance abuse. It also helps to flush out toxins from the body, which is essential for recovery. Furthermore, water will lower the symptoms of Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome experienced during recovery.

  1. Get Enough Sleep

Sleeping is not all about lying on a bed with your eyes closed. It’s about the quality and time of sleep you get. An adult needs about seven or more hours of good quality sleep every night to keep the mind and body healthy. Those who get good quality sleep get along well with people.

Some benefits of better sleep include;

• Keeping a healthy weight
• Improved mood and reduced stress
• Lowers the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other serious health problems
• Increases concentrations by helping you stay active

All these are essential for someone who is recovering from drug and substance abuse. Thus, someone undergoing addiction recovery should sleep for about eight to 10 hours each day.

Self-care is an important aspect of addiction recovery. It involves looking after your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. There are multiple ways to practice self-care while recovery from drug and substance abuse. This includes keeping stress levels down, eating a balanced diet, and doing some physical exercises.

You could also benefit from spending time with supportive people around you, including your family or friends. This will make your recovery journey smooth.

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