Hair fall is often caused by hormonal changes and stress levels. More often than not, women are affected during their pre-menstrual phase; when they have irregular periods, coupled with excessive stress and anxiety and hormonal imbalance.Hair fall can be reversed with the help of home remedies like egg white and aloe vera.

If you’re female and have been experiencing sporadic hair loss, then you know that it can be a serious problem. In fact, one in three women over the age of 50 will experience thinning or balding by the age of 65.

In both men and women hair loss is a total concern. This is because you don’t want your beautiful locks to lack any strength or presence on your head. There are many good products available in the market in order to prevent, cure and reduce the progression of baldness. At times even topical remedies are used which have had success in some cases.

Regrow hair naturally in 3 weeks

There’s nothing better than looking at your ends of your hair and thinking “I can’t be balding!” But unfortunately, approximately 60% of women will lose their hair in the 40’s or 50’s. It doesn’t have to be that way though! There are many causes of hair loss that can be prevented or treated with multivitamin tablets , biotin supplements and an array of other natural remedies .

Many people are seeking a way to stop hair loss and slow down the process of it falling out. The first thing you will notice is a little bit of loose or missing hair on your head which gradually increases as time goes by. Hair loss is usually quite mild when it starts but does not disappear overnight or within a few weeks.

The Ultimate Guide To Hair Loss: Causes, Treatment, And Prevention.

guide to hair loss

Hair is an integral part of a person’s physical identity. People curl, color, primp, fluff, and style their hair however they want. Even so, no matter how well some individuals beautify and care for their hair, they still seem to end up losing it.

Have you noticed any recent hair loss? It’s typical to lose a certain amount of hair each day. However, if your hair has been falling out in greater quantities than usual, this could be a cause for concern.

Below is your ultimate guide to hair loss, including the leading causes, treatments available, and preventative care tips.

guide to hair loss
Common Causes Of Hair Loss

There are a variety of reasons you might experience hair loss. It’s usually due to one or more of the following factors:
• Genetics

Hair loss can be caused by heredity. Androgenic alopecia is another name for this condition. It typically happens gradually and in recognizable patterns, with men experiencing a receding hairline and balding, and women experiencing thinned hair along the scalp’s crown.

Aside from trying a hair loss shampoo treatment, other ways to slow down genetic hair loss include leading a healthy lifestyle and acquiring prescriptions for oral or topical medications.
• Medical Problems

Certain health conditions can result in hair loss. Whether it’s due to hormonal disturbance or imbalance, it could be a symptom of a serious underlying health issue.

The following are some of the most frequent medical problems that can cause hair loss:

Thyroid disease – It’s a condition caused by a decline in thyroid hormone production, which can lead to hormonal imbalance and hair loss.
Lupus – With this autoimmune disease, the immune system misidentifies and attacks your body’s tissues as unwanted invaders. Hair loss is among its side effects.
Scleroderma – This is a condition characterized by excessive collagen production that can gradually result in hair thinning.

• Stress

Hair loss can occur due to emotional or physical stress stemming from issues such as a family member’s death, invasive surgery, or a chronic condition that forces your body to halt critical processes like hair production. In such cases, hair loss is almost always temporary; your hair can still grow back again after a stressful event.
• B Vitamin Deficiency

Hair thinning or loss may occur as a result of a lack of certain vitamins and minerals. It’s also thought that not ingesting enough meat or maintaining a vegan lifestyle can contribute to hair loss. Hence, it may be beneficial to consume nutrients that promote hair and body growth, such as red meat and other foods rich in vitamin B.
Treatments To Hair Loss

There are a few hair loss treatments available today. Such treatments can either reverse or halt the condition. Here are just some of the things you can do if you think your hair is thinning:
• Take Medication

If your hair loss is linked to an underlying disease, medication might be necessary. However, if a particular type of medicine aggravates your hair loss, your doctor may advise you to discontinue consumption for a few months. Among the most common medications for hair loss include Minoxidil that’s applied to the scalp and Finasteride, which can be taken as a daily pill.

guide to hair loss
• Undergo Hair Transplant

As the top of the head is the most affected part of hair loss, a hair transplant or repair surgery might allow for the utilization of the remaining hair. The treatment doesn’t necessitate hospitalization, but it may be painful, so you may need sedatives to alleviate any discomfort.
• Go For Laser Therapy

Laser treatment for hair loss involves the irradiation of photons into scalp tissues. These photons are absorbed by weak cells to promote hair growth. It’s a generally accepted procedure that’s less intrusive and safer than hair transplant surgery.
• Opt For Natural Treatments

Aside from the abovementioned, you can try general methods, too. You can begin by consuming more nutritious foods. Also, if you intend to use supplements, consult with your doctor first. Lastly, changes in your lifestyle can help. These may include avoiding tight hair ties, perms, dyes, curling wands, and straightening irons as they can be harsh on your hair.
Preventing Hair Loss

There are numerous ways in which you may wind up destroying your hair without realizing it. But the good thing is, there are certain measures you can take to prevent hair loss.

guide to hair loss
• Modify Your Hair Styling Habits

Avoid tight hairstyles like braids, ponytails, and buns. Instead, keep your hair down as much as possible and gently wash or brush it with a wide-toothed comb to avoid pulling your hair’s roots.
• De-Stress

Learn to manage life’s difficulties. You can perform fitness routines or employ meditation techniques. Yoga and meditation are thought to balance sugar levels and improve circulation, boosting hair regeneration.
• Improve Your Diet

Be cautious about what you’re consuming and how much. Eating a range of healthy foods high in vitamins and minerals may assist in fueling your body and the areas involved in hair development.
• Take Iron And Zinc Supplements

Ask your doctor about iron and zinc supplements. Deficits in these vitamins are thought to cause hair loss, while adequate supplementation could help counteract its effects.

Your hair is far more than ‘just’ hair. It can be a reflection of your personality as well as a depiction of your personal style. Therefore, if you’re experiencing hair loss, you have to determine the cause so you’ll know the appropriate treatment. Take good care of your hair as it may represent your overall well-being.

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