Selling an idea to your client is often challenging. You need to determine if the client is willing to change or if you have the ability to convince the client to do so. What usually happens is that you and your team spend a lot of time working on the best idea and still may not be able to get it pushed through on any level. What if there was an easier way? There is a better way. If you want to quickly sell your ideas, read this article now.

If you’re a designer, a developer, an entrepreneur, or just someone who’s good at coming up with ideas, you know firsthand how important it is to have the right mind set and attitude when selling your ideas. Yes, we’re talking about selling your idea and point of view to people who can make them happen.

How to sell a product with example

People are motivated by different things. One of the reasons why people love freelancing is because they get to work on their own terms. To sell a product or a service, you will need to make sure that you know what motivates your clients and that you use that to your advantage. Ultimately, it’s all up to the delivery, but if you’ve got a winning idea and make it look easy to implement or sell, you don’t have anything to worry about.

Have you ever tried to sell an idea to a client or boss and got nowhere? Let’s be honest. Sometimes selling your ideas is like pushing a string. You can work on it for hours, days, weeks or even months and still not see results! So what do you do? You get frustrated and wonder why it isn’t working. Well look no further – this article is for you.

How to Better Sell Your Ideas to Clients in 5 Easy Steps.

sell your ideas to clients

The creative industries allow the individual to really shine. It isn’t just the skills you have; it is your ideas that make you stand out from the rest. The creative industries in question can be inextricably tied to the sciences.

Architecture is always going to be paired with engineering and construction. Product design is always tied to manufacturing. If the part of the process you specialize in requires design, creativity, and ingenuity, you need to know how to sell ideas properly.

It is how you will win projects and how you will win over clients. It is how you can grow and how you can achieve the goals that are set out for yourself.

If you know how to better sell your ideas, you can better sell yourself and your skills. These great steps will help you get there, but remember that you need to make each step your own. Only when you stand out as a creative leader and individual will you make waves in your field and truly forge a lasting name for yourself.

  1. Choose Your Branding

For most, your name is going to be the perfect brand identity to get behind. If your name is very long, however, then this is going to be hard for clients and passers-by to remember, at which point you will be better off rethinking the name you are going to operate under.

Very short names, where both your first and last name are less than five letters each, are best kept together.

Long names that are more than five letters for both your first and surname are often too long for people to comfortably see in a domain and can be harder to remember. Depending on your surname, you may want to operate under that name.

If your name is not something you want to market yourself under, then create a more traditional company name. It could be based on your name or inspired by it (for example, the meaning of your name, rather than the name itself), or it could be a company name that you feel best represents your brand.

A great name can build a reputation, and that in and of itself, it will help you sell your ideas and yourself to clients in the future. You want it to be sharp, to be easy to remember and to be easy to read in a URL. Once you have that, you can then move on to the next step.

  1. Get the Right Visualization Software

The right visualization software makes all the difference. For 2D artists and proposals, you have so many great options, from drawing programs to Photoshop and Illustrate to beyond. There are even specialist programs available to you to make your project proposals come to life.

You will want to create your proposals on these programs and then adapt them to create a brochure or digital document later. The right visualization software is important to workshop your own ideas. It is important to create visual examples of your work and your vision. It is important when it comes to managing your clients.

  1. Workshop In the Software Itself

The right visualization software makes it easy and fast to edit designs as you go, which offers a huge boost for those who are working with clients. You will want to practice and even invest in online courses for more complicated software so that you know how to use the tool to its full extent before you meet with your clients. If you have to search how to do something, it will not be a good look for you.

Once you master the tool, you can take the project directly to the client and workshop ideas with them. You can show them examples of how things can go or go through your idea and just listen to your client’s suggestions.

If you are an architect designer, for example, then you can create a 3D floorplan in Cedreo that looks great and allows your clients to really see your vision and their potential home. As they can see it in 3D, they can offer you better, more concise criticism. Having the right software can mean you can edit the floorplan and the design in front of them quickly, easily, and efficiently, so they are 100% thrilled with the project.

  1. Send a Stunning Project Proposal

Once all the edits are done, and your clients or investors are happy with the project schematics, it is time to create a project proposal. What the proposal will look like will depend on whether you are leading the project or whether your client will be taking your designs and finding a team to bring that design to life.

Either way, it should look great, it should have the full schematics, and it should explain the design so that the vision is clear to understand regardless of whether you are working further on the project or not.

  1. Create Fun Projects Just to Showcase Your Ideas and Style

Don’t just think about how you can better sell your ideas to clients that you are working with. Create mock-ups and have fun designing personal projects just so that you can showcase these ideas in your portfolio so visitors and potential clients can get a sense of your style.

Most designers are chosen because of their unique skill and vision, so don’t only use work created to win clients over. Show your personality, and soon people will hire you because it is your vision they want for themselves. It is how you will establish yourself and enjoy greater creative freedom.

The best minds in every industry are unique. They changed the game. They offered something that no one else could. Have fun with creating digital examples of your work and your skills, and win the hearts of clients everywhere. Doing this will give you a more fun, vibrant and enjoyable brand that customers will want to work with.

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