In this video I am going to be showing you why I stopped buying designer handbags. There are so many different factors that go into buying a designer bag and knowing which brands actually give you the most bang for your buck is vital.

Buying a designer bag is every woman’s dream and a luxury we all love to have. But if you’re still wondering whether it’s worth the price tag…Let me show you the reasons why I stopped buying designer handbags, and why I don’t do it anymore!

Designer handbags are a staple in the world of fashion. But with so many brands to choose from, you might wonder if it’s worth splurging on a designer bag or if a cheaper option could be just as stylish. We looked at the top fashion trends and compared the resale value of dozens of trendy bags to see which designers offer the most investment potential: I love designer bags but i don’t buy them anymore, there are just some of the mistakes many women make when buying a top brand handbag.

A designer handbag is one of the most expensive consumer items. And there are many reasons why a person may want to buy a designer bag, and here are some of them:

Top handbag brands in world

Navigating the world of designer handbags can often be a frustrating and confusing experience for shoppers. The first time I bought a designer bag, I was so excited that I got home and Googled, “why do people buy designer bags?” After reading about how many people have expensive but poorly made bags break shortly after purchasing them and having no recourse to get their money back, or being forced to pay for expensive repairs, I stopped buying designer bags altogether.

Are designer bags worth the price, or are you better off buying from one of the cheap brands? We’re taking a look at some of the most popular handbag brands in the fashion industry to help you decide if they’re worth it or not.

A designer bag is no longer an investment, but a fashion statement. From the handbag to the watch, it’s all about adding more pieces to your wardrobe rather than investing in one thing. So why do I think designer bags are not worth it?

I live in a place where there are designer bag shops on every street corner, but I will never be caught dead shopping in them. One of the best perks of being a fashion blogger is the never-ending line of designer handbags at our disposal. In fact, if you asked me which item I’ve spent my most on, it would definitely be my designer bags. But one day, something changed and I decided that from then on out, I would only buy things that are worth the money. It’s been over two years now and let me tell you something:

In this article, we will be talking about, are designer bags worth it typical bag is good classic handbags of all time but a powerful bag is better, that is why article like this are written to help you be aware of bags and what it entails designer bags that hold their value that why you can never go wrong with any of your purchases. bag can last anywhere from 2 to 10 years and more depending on the way it is handle and quality of the material use in production, also company and brand plays a lot of rolls in it survival too. If you are looking for ways to get cheaper prices then check out gegull mall. The perfect designer handbag is one of the best investment buys that you can make. Once you find the right one best designer bags (or two!), it can instantly update everything from downtime denim to more formal attire, and will quickly become the most frequently used accessory in your daily wardrobe rotation. The beauty of standout designer bag best designer handbags to invest in 2020 is that they’re innately versatile, so you never have to worry about what to style them with. In fact, this is all the more reason top designer handbags every woman should own is important to add an investment bag to your collection, it’s the ultimate go-to accessory, no matter your personal style and even better, for cheaper prices go on gegumall

Designer Handbags worth the Money

You’ve reached the moment where you want to invest in a designer handbag. Congrats! A well-chosen luxury handbag is truly one of the best investment pieces you can buy. It will see you through a lifetime of wardrobe crises, serve as a trusty travel companion, and even become a valuable heirloom after you’re gone. So where do you start in the bag-buying process, and what kind of bag is really worth the investment? It is, of course, crucial you choose a style you love, but there are several other factors to consider before making the big purchase. For example, will the brand hold its value? What color should you choose? What silhouette will never go out of style?

Investing in what we like to call the holy trinity of luxury handbags—Chanel, Louis Vuitton, and Hermès—is a no-brainer when looking at the resale value. The fashion crowd has also put designers like Chloé, Céline, Gucci, and Loewe on the It-bag fashion map with styles that have become classics in their own right.

If you’re ready to dip into the world of designer handbags, scroll below to see our curated list of power purses that are timeless, desirable, and make for some incredibly elusive arm candy.

1. Chanel

Chanel Classic Handbag ($7800)

A favorite of Alexa Chung, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, and Rita Ora, the Chanel Flap Bag boasts a high resale value, and, let’s be honest, will never go out of style.

2.Louis Vuitton

Don’t underestimate the power of this classic tote bag. The Neverfull is one of Louis Vuitton’s all-time most successful bags and comes in endless material options as well as limited editions and special artist collaborations.


Inspired by Grace Kelly, this Hermès bag is a true classic that consistently retains or increases in resale value.

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