If you’re looking to step up your cinematography skills or if you are looking for some nice vintage lenses for your DSLR then this article is for you. Let’s explore the best vintage lenses for cinematography in detail.

If you’re looking for the best set of vintage lenses, then you’ve come to the right place. I know there is lots of choice on the market. Whether if you’re a pro or just starting out this list of vintage cinematography lenses will help.

Rehoused vintage lenses

There are many vintage lenses for cinema use. But which one is the best? We will try to answer that question based on parameters like: price, image quality, functionality and others. This article also provides a list of rehoused vintage lenses.

If you’re looking to up your cinematography game and shoot more cinematic video, you’ll want to know about the best vintage lenses that are available for rehousing. These are premium lenses that can bring a higher quality image to your videos while adding some vintage flair.

Since I started to work on a documentary film last year, I’ve been interested in old lenses and camera equipment. The reason I’m writing this post is that I want to find suitable used cinema lenses for my movie. It’s hard to find information about such things on the internet, so I thought I’d share what I’ve found when researching vintage cinema lenses.

Fisheye lenses have been used in videography for a long time and are one of my favorites. They’re fun to use and do a great job distorting images for times when you don’t have to be too serious about your project. You can use this article complimentary with the film portfolio I compiled that lists the best vintage lenses for each different brand/system. I’d recommend bookmarking this page because, who knows, maybe you decide that using fisheye lenses would really help your YouTube videos stand out from the rest of them. Now all you need to know is that which fisheye lens should you get?

Best vintage lenses for cinematography

Looking for articles on best vintage lenses for cinematography? For the best articles on hot topics such as best vintage lenses for bmpcc 6k, best vintage lenses for fuji and best vintage 35mm lens for video then look no further than Solaroidenergy. At Koboguide, we make sure our readers only have the best information available. If you loved these articles, don’t forget to hit the share button to spread the word!

The early 20s, the 2020s, has been a tumultuous time for creatives, especially photographers. First, there was the Covid outbreak — which caused restrictions that created many financial struggles for photographers. To compound the struggles photographers have faced over the pandemic, the shift in platforms such as Instagram, pushing video content over photography, has fundamentally changed the landscape in which photographers operate and grow their business using social media.

This surge in creatives creating more video content has also spiked the interest in bringing the look and feel of vintage lenses for video production. Vintage lenses help create more serene and dream-like footage that can massively help in the storytelling of video content. Of course when used appropriately!

So what vintage lens is good for that cinematic look?

To cover this topic, I pulled together a list of the best vintage lenses you can use for video and filmmaking alike! We will cover two types of lenses in this list, as these vintage lenses are not made equal.

Vintage camera lenses
Vintage cinema lenses
We will also cover some other important topics about vintage lenses for video, such as, what is the best focal length for video, where to buy vintage lenses, where to rent vintage cinema lenses for video, vintage lens modding and rehousing your vintage lenses.

What is the best focal length for video?
Without a doubt, the best focal length for most video production is 50mm on a full-frame sensor, around 35mm for an APS-C or Super-35 sensor and around 25mm for a micro-four-thirds sensor. These lenses are very close to capturing a perspective that is very close to how we see the natural world as humans. They are versatile enough to accommodate multiple people in a scene, mid-shots and closeups.

How to choose the best vintage lens or lenses for video?

As some general advice before we get too far into this article, I want to make one thing clear. Whether you choose to buy or explore any of the lenses listed in this article, one piece of buying advice I would give anyone is to buy a set of vintage lenses.

What do I mean by a set?

Simply put, a set is a collection of lenses that work well together, often from the same manufacturer and time area. Their obvious advantage as a set is that their similar optics, lens coatings and build will help your video creation in more ways than one. Not only will you have a consistent look across focal lengths, but also a similar tactile feel when focusing, so that you can pay more attention to your framing and storytelling vs making sure you hit focus.

Best vintage camera lenses for video

Deciding what is the best vintage camera lens for video ultimately comes down to preference and the look and feel you require for the story you are telling. Do you need something that can showcase a warm, playful or intimate story, you might want to use a soft vintage lens that has great flaring. While on the flipside if you’re telling a story with a more serious tone, you might need a lens with sharper qualities with more controlled flaring.

  1. Canon FD S.S.C. 55mm f/1.2 Lens
    Canon FD lenses are not only affordable but praised for their close similarity in look, feel and performance to their cinema big brothers, the Canon K35 cine lenses. With this knowledge, it would be hard to pass up on one of the old faithful from this line of lenses, the Canon FD S.S.C. 55mm f/1.2. The Canon FD lenses were some of the first lenses that initially drew me toward my interest in vintage lenses.
  2. Canon nFD 85mm f/1.2 L Lens
    The Canon nFD 85mm f/1.2 L is the cheaper more affordable version of the legendary Canon FD S.S.C. 85mm f/1.2 Aspherical lens. Its soft and expressive bokeh makes it a great portrait lens for closeup shots that is forgiving to the skin. This was something that both the Canon FD and Canon K35 were made famous for.

Stopping down the lens from f/1.2 improves sharpness and contrast considerably and the look and feel of the footage are completely different with a more modern look.The versatility offered by this lens by simply stopping down the aperture creates looks that range from dreamy to modern and serious.

  1. Minolta 135mm f/2 MD Lens
    Before I sound completely biased towards Canon lenses, the next on the list had to add some diversity, and that’s with the Minolta 135mm f/2 MD. This lens has been widely regarded as a top telephoto for decades and it’s no surprise that the Minolta 135mm makes for a great vintage lens for video.

Having an image circle large enough to cover an Alexa 65 sensor makes it more versatile than many lenses that are restricted to that full-frame 35mm coverage. It also surprisingly boasts 15 iris blades that produce very nice and circular bokeh, if that’s your sort of thing…

All of the lenses in the Minolta MD lineup use the same coating, so building a set of vintage lenses for videos from this brand is advantageous because the look and colors will be very consistent across the different focal ranges.

Best vintage cinema lenses for video
Going down the path to investing in a vintage cinema lens for video is not for the faint of heart or budget-conscious creators. While cheap vintage cinema lenses might not exist the way you would want them to, there are other budget-friendly ways to use them on your projects such as renting them and incorporating the cost of the rental in your quote.

  1. Canon K-35 24mm T/1.5
    The Canon K-35 24mm T/1.5 can be described in the same way that any other lens in its lineup is described. Their look and feel were kept very consistent across their line to provide consistency in shooting regardless of focal length. What makes the Canon K-35 24mm T/1.5 remarkable is that 24mm is my next most-used focal length right after 50mm.

It is about as wide as you can go on a full-frame sensor without your image looking too distorted and having an “effects” feeling to it. Its close focus distance allows you to show great details in a larger context, making it a great solution for certain types of storytelling. The Canon K35 24mm much like the other K35s has the perfect combination of amazing performance and unique character, making them one of the best vintage lenses for filmmaking.

They have low contrast, a gentle focus fall-off, and produce great skin tones. An obvious advantage is that the K35s cover a full-frame sensor as they were developed based on the FD camera lenses which were developed for 35mm film. Their high speeds and 15-blade iris help create some of the most smooth circular and beautiful bokeh you’ve seen.

Canon K35s were the first Super Speed lenses that used aspherical elements in all of their focal length. Having aspherical elements in the lens helped these lenses perform better over regular spherical lenses in key areas:

Lighter due to fewer elements required in optical assembly
Performance improvements over spherical aberration, distortion, and marginal astigmatism
Sharper focusing
Larger aperture size
Improved light focusing and collection efficiency

  1. Zeiss Super Speed 50mm T/1.3 MKII
    We can’t talk about vintage cinema lenses without mentioning the legendary Zeiss brand. The Zeiss Super Speeds are arguably some of the most versatile and beautiful vintage cinema lenses available.

Their T1.3 maximum aperture is an obvious advantage over other cinema lenses in this category but comes with its own disadvantages. For starters, The Zeiss Super Speeds do not cover a full-frame sensor and they best work with S35 sensors. Secondly, their 8 blades iris will not give you the same smooth circular bokeh you might come to expect from the aforementioned K35 lenses, but these lenses are nothing to scoff about.

Whether you’re shooting wide open or stopped down, the end product is nothing short of magic. The Zeiss Super Speeds like many vintage lenses used certain rare earth metals to coat the lenses which just made people look good. Not to mention the lenses also produce a mesmerizing blue and magenta lens flare for added dramatic effect.

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