One of the most important considerations when choosing a camera for any type of photography is picking one that suits your needs. So which camera is the best 35mm film camera for street photography?

When it comes to street photography, you want to be as inconspicuous as possible. This means the best cameras for street photography are small and compact as they’re less likely to draw unwanted attention. 35mm film cameras offer this kind of convenience and also produce a sense of nostalgia. I’ll share my favorite 35mm film cameras for both amateurs and professionals so you can create amazing images that you’ll want to print.

Best cheap camera for street photography

Some people think camera is not so important. I totally disagree. A camera can make or break a shot. There is no such things as best or worst camera for everyone, cause we all have different tastes and needs. I’ll talk about the qualities that define my favorite film cameras for professional street photography.

Wondering which is the best 35mm film camera for street photography? Oh…lookee here! I just can’t help but run up to you and tell you all about it! Well, if you’re interested in buying a good old film camera, I’ve got your back. I’m not trying to knock digital cameras; they are a great invention and have their place in street photography. However, there is something about classic cameras that can’t be replicated by technology—the whole “there’s something to be said about nostalgia factor” thing. I’m here to tell you that shopbooth wants to be one of your new best friends when it comes time for making a decision on which 35mm film camera is best for shooting street photography.

Street photographers need to carry as little as possible while being prepared. 35mm film cameras are ideal for street photography because the whole process of taking the shot is easy, quick, quiet and discreet. They were the most popular type of camera for street photography a few decades ago when only expensive medium format or large format one had a low enough shutter lag to bring up in less than 1/1000th of a second.

Ok- I had a 35MM SLR a while back but it broke. It is so hard to learn all the functions on another camera and I keep missing simple shots because I can’t figure out how to expose and focus right without looking in the viewfinder. To top it off if you want to snap quick photos for memories, you don’t have time to mess around with all the buttons and get in the way of people.

Best 35mm film camera for street photography

best 35mm film camera

These days, it’s in vogue to use a digital camera like a DSLR. However, film photography is where it all began, and it’s undeniable that there’s something cathartic about shooting with film. Digital might be more efficient, but many of us still appreciate the old school feel of the analog over the digital.

If you’re interested in learning more about film photography, then you are in the right place. Analog photography offers users a world of options when it comes to camera choice. In this article, we will take a look at the best 35mm film camera types that are available to users.


One of the most significant leaps that you might take as a modern photographer is deciding to spend at least some of your time shooting with film. Digital cameras offer a huge amount of conveniences over film cameras, but many accomplished photographers will tell you that there’s just something special about shooting on film (and we’re inclined to agree). After all, as photographers, we know that photography isn’t just about the end result – it’s also about the process of getting the shot. 

35mm film is the standard film size for the vast majority of SLRs, mirrorless cameras, and point and shoots. The standard has carried over to digital cameras as well – most digital cameras are designed around the aspect ratio of 3:2 that 35mm film produces.

It’s important to note that when we’re talking about 35mm film cameras, we’re not talking about lens size. This is confusing because there are 35mm lenses as well. We won’t get deep into lenses in this article – the important thing you should know if you’re a beginner to film cameras is that we are talking about 35mm film, not lens size. The most typical lens size you’ll find with cameras that use 35mm film is 50mm lenses.

In order to have the best experience shooting with 35mm film, you’ll want to make sure that you pick the right camera. The different cameras on this list might be more or less suitable for you depending on your level of experience, as well as features like autofocus, shutter speed, size and so forth.

Other salient features to users look out for includes:

– If the camera advances film automatically
– Metering options
– Exposure options and capability
– If it has an inbuilt flash

Apart from this, factors such as shutter sound and camera body may also influence the decision of the buyer. Users often want a camera that feels great in their hands. Other determining factors include; robustness, lenses, and other accessories.

To help you get started, we’re taking a look at some of the best classic 35mm cameras on the market. We will examine a range of SLR’s and some point and shoot cameras.

best 35mm film camera nikon f6


The F6 is one of the more recent additions to the Nikon family, and it has been on the market since 2004. Most users have fallen in love with the quiet and refined sounds that the F6 makes. Apart from the fact that it offers automatic film loading as well as auto/manual film advancing, the camera is appropriately sized. It also has an accurate exposure meter that provides perfect exposures.

The F6 is also a preferred option because of its compatibility. This baby is compatible with a wide range of lenses (in fact, it is said to be compatible with every Nikon lens that has been made since 1977).

Users of the F6 also get full EXIF data logging; this means that the F6 records data to CF cards with a card reader.


The first sets of K1000s were made in Asia, from Japan to Hong Kong, as well as mainland China.

best 35mm film camera leica mp


No matter what mother nature throws at it, the Leica MP is ready to go. It works optimally in all weather conditions and can be operated with small batteries (if you need to run its metering system). The Leica MP is built to last and deliver a lifetime of value.

Also, its TTL light meter is simple and highly effective. It is used to produce shots with consistent conditions and a variety of quality film types. In terms of materials, it is built with the finest materials and under the most precise manufacturing techniques.

Since it first went into production in 2003, the construction and reliability of the camera have both been consistent. It has everything that you need from shutter speed dial, film advancement, aperture control, and many more. There is a long list of available M-mount lenses that work with this camera.


best 35mm film camera hasselblad 500cm

Firstly, we’ll note that the Hasselblad 500C/M is basically impossible to find any more. But still, we feel like it’s worth talking about (and if you ever see one in a pawn shop or good will or something, definitely buy it!). The 500 series was first introduced in 1957 and it wasn’t replaced until the 500C/M came into production in 1970, bringing with it an interchangeable focusing screen and an improved automatic back.

Hasselblad’s 500 series was first introduced in 1957, and it wasn’t replaced until the 70s when the production of the 500C/M began. This camera was on production for 24 years (between 1970-1994). The camera came with improvements such as an interchangeable focusing screen and an improved automatic back.

This camera was a completely new idea for Hasselblad, and it changed the way cameras worked. This camera allowed flashes to sync at all shutter speeds. It was the third medium format, a single-lens reflex camera designed by the Swedish, Dr Victor Hasselband. The camera is designed to capture 6cm x 6cm square images on 12 or 24 exposure roll films.

It is an interchangeable camera with 6 different lenses, 4 viewfinders, and 4 film back. This goes to show you the variety of options that this camera offers users. The modular design of the camera makes it a unique choice.

Over the years, Hasselblad products have gained recognition as makes of quality products. There are a few Hasselblads in space from the Apollo missions (that’s how great the company is).

Check Out Our Other Camera Guides & Recommendations


Humans are currently at a point where everything seems to be headed towards digitalization. It feels like the process of creation has been mostly automated, leaving little or nothing for the experts to handle. This is why it is good to regularly take a step back and reflect on the analog options. Shooting on film, and the process of having to develop said film can be extremely rewarding for those who give it a try. Digital cameras are great, but in most cases they give you instant feedback – and that’s not always a good thing in photography (or in life). Think of shooting on film as the photographic equivalent of the ‘slow food’ movement.

With 35mm film cameras, you’ll be forced to rely more on experience and skill. This helps you to capture moments purposefully.
Learning photography with a manual camera will ultimately help you to improve as a photographer and help you develop keener instincts. That’s why we think that anyone who’s serious about photography pick up (or borrow) one of the 35mm film cameras on this list and give it a shot.

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