Are you looking for a place where you can get the best quality rods, but in the bargain price? I am a businessman who remians anonymous for now, who is interested in importing wooden 8mm rods and offering them at exceptionally low price. I operate from Nigeria, with sea coast trading routes to China and India.

8mm rod price in Nigeria. 8mm is one of the most popular size and thickness for rebar in Nigeria. We have a range or rod with different sizes. For example, 2,5cm x 8m, 2,5cm x 12m and 2,5cm x 15m with different prices per length.

8mm rod price in Nigeria

Most wholesaler’s and some retailers will sell to you per tonne of these reinforcements, so let us take a look at how many pieces of these rods will give a ton for a given diameter.

DiameterTonCurrent Price per one
8 mm210 in number₦4,100
10 mm134 in number₦4,210
12 mm93 in number₦4,650
16 mm52 in number₦6,300
20 mm34 in number₦8,700
25 mm21 in number₦8,500

The above is the price buyable for single TMT brand reinforcement for the month of May 2021, this brand is usually recommended by Standard Organization of Nigeria (SON) so also the government

Reinforcements, also known as steel bars, play a crucial role in the structural integrity of a structure by acting as load bearing elements. The structural engineer may suggest a certain size, such as 12mm, 16mm, 20mm, 25mm, 10mm, 8mm, or others, based on the material strength and other design requirements.

There are four distinct kinds of load-bearing steel bars. A few examples include Mild Steel Plain Bars, Hot Rolled Deformed Bars, Cold Worked Steel, and Prestressing Steel.

Hot Rolled Deformed Bars are the most popular kind of Rods because they are used to increase the tensile strength of concrete in beams and columns in Nigeria. These Reinforcements, which may be found under the more generic name “Iron rods” at most hardware stores, need specialized finishes for use in various building projects.

8mm rod price in Nigeria Product Description

Steel rods, also known as reinforcements, are very important components used in the construction of buildings. They are mostly used to receive load and transfer it across different points of the building. Understanding the types and uses of different steel rods is paramount in the construction business.

How much do steel rods or reinforcements cost in Nigeria today? You should continue reading this post if you want to know the answer to this question. We will also discuss some other important pieces of information about steel rods later in this post.

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