Why choose a boring name when you can pick from these great military dog names? These days there are many different places that you can search for these types of dog names. Where ever your looking I’m sure you will find a long list (for one blog post) worth checking out.

Call me Samuel: I am a proud name and a son of a significant legacy which few can compare. And though my father is among the most revered, there are also those who would rather forget him.

Fido has been a household name since he was awarded obedience school in the nineties, but do you know what the first ever dog was called? Or how about the service dog that received a medal of honor? Find out here.

Military service dogs have proven to be one of the most useful assets for the military. They are trained to perform numerous tasks — from finding explosives and weapons, to acting as a companion for their military owners. 60 Military Dog Names That Will Make You Beam with Pride:We’ve compiled a list of 60 great military dog names that embody the spirit and loyalty of our canine companions.

1 samuel 17 lesson

What’s in a name? Apparently quite a lot. Baby naming is such a popular trend in modern society that entire reality shows and internet memes have sprung up to amuse us with the creative ways people name their offspring. But our lovable pets also deserve awesome names. The only things dogs love more than chasing balls are treats and being cuddled, so giving them a name reserved for them only is such an honor. Today we are featuring sixty of the best military dog names we’ve been able to find. If you like these but don’t have a dog or pet, feel free to use them as inspiration for your child’s name! And if you’ve found any great ones that we missed below, feel free to share with us in the comments section!

One of the coolest pooches you’ll ever meet is Samson, a retired military working dog. I got to spend a couple days with this colorful canine when he was on vacation at Camp Pendleton. He’s spent years protecting our soldiers overseas, but now he’s spending his golden years enjoying life as well as the adoration from everyone around him. We had a chance to talk about some of his best memories and he let me in on 60 military dog names that made him beam with pride.

60 Military Dog Names That Will Make You Beam with Pride.

military dog names

Military dogs are known to be fit, swift, fierce, and strong. They have leadership skills and are renowned for their courage, loyalty, and instinct.

If you’re a pet parent to such a mutt, you need to choose a military dog name that reflects these characteristics.

Dogs have played a huge role in warfare for thousands of years and their history is fascinating. Whether you are a military personnel or consider your dog a hero or are looking for a tough military dog name to honor the Armed Forces, you’re in the right place.

In this post, you will find a range of robust military dog names for your mutt.
Female Military Dog Names

Army: This is the military division that combats enemies on the ground.
Bethany: This name is inspired by the Army National Guard training site at Bethany Beach.
Bliss: This name is inspired by the Army Fort Bliss located in El Paso, Texas.
Cadence: A cadence is a response song sung during military marches, drills, and running.
Charlie: Charlie is the letter ‘C’ in the NATO alphabet.
Christi: Many WWII Navy pilots trained at Corpus Christi, which is the inspiration behind this name.
Dakota: This name means friends or allies.
Delta: Delta stands for ‘D’ in the NATO alphabet. Also, Delta Force is an elite military unit in the Army.
Fallon: This name is inspired by the Naval Air Station Fallon located in Nevada. 
Foxtrot: Foxtrot is the letter ‘F’ in the NATO alphabet. 
Gauge: Gauge is the barrel internal diameter size of firearms.
Gloria: Gloria means glory in some languages.
Glory: The nickname of the American Flag is Old Glory. It also refers to the honor and the praise received after winning a battle or war.
Grace: This name is inspired by the US Navy Rear Admiral, Grace Hopper, who designed the first programming language when she was serving.
Harriette: This name means mighty ruler.
Hopper: This is another name inspired by the US Navy Rear Admiral, Grace Hopper. Her contributions were considered extremely vital; and a ship was named after her – The USS Hopper, which was a destroyer.
Juliet: Juliet stands for the letter ‘J’ in the NATO alphabet.
Justice: This name has a major feel-good factor to it.
Kimber: This is the name of a gun used by NATO and the military.
Liberty: This name is inspired by the Roman goddess who personified liberty.
March: A march is an organized movement performed by military personnel.
Navy: The navy is a division of the military that combats enemies on water.
Parris: This name is derived from the Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island, where enlisted men and women are trained.
Ricochet: When a bullet bounces back, it is called a ricochet.
Scout: This refers to someone who travels forward and unaccompanied to collect intel for averting potential danger.
Semi: This is the name of a gun that was designed to fire one bullet at a time. The US had a huge lead in WWII as this gun was technologically advanced and could reload itself.
Shiba: This name is inspired by the Queen of Sheba, who was warm and smart, yet cunning.
Tinker: The Tinker Air Force Base is an important base for the USAF located in Oklahoma.
Tyndall: Tyndall is another crucial Air Force base in the Florida panhandle.
Viper: This name is inspired by the US jet, F-16 Fighting Falcon, which is also called the Viper.

Male Military Dog Names

Bradly: This name is inspired by the US military tank of the same name. There are two Bradley models, one is an armored troop transport and the other is a scout transport.
Blackhawk: A Blackhawk is a type of military helicopter.
Bullet: Bullet means the lethal metal cylinder shot from a gun. This name has reference to agility and speed.
Captain: This military dog name indicates a leader or a commander. 
Chase: This name also indicates speed. It refers to hunting or chasing after a target, which is something that military dogs are accustomed to doing.
Gunner: This name reflects battle or someone who is proficient in using various types of guns and hunting with them.
Humvee: This is a large and robust military-grade road vehicle.
Hunter:  A hunter is a soldier that hunts his targets.
Jag: JAG stands for Judge Advocate General’s Corps, which handles military law.
Jet: A jet is a super-swift plane that is powered by hi-tech engines.
Lance: This name means territory, and symbolizes your dog’s ability to mark and protect his terrain. 
Laser: This name is inspired by lasers, which can be used either as weapons or to direct someone towards a target.
Lex: This name means defender of men. 
Major: Major is an Officer ranking in the Marines, Air Force, and Army. If your dog has leadership qualities, this is the name to go for. 
Nitro: Nitro is a highly explosive and dangerous substance. This makes it the perfect name for a guard dog. 
Radar: Radar refers to a technology that enables military personnel to track their enemy. This name signifies your mutt’s ability to track. 
Rambo: This badass name will appeal to all Sylvester Stallone fans.
Ranger: The literal meaning of ranger is gamekeeper. However, it also refers to a member of an association of armed men, which military dogs tend to be.
Rocket: This name has reference to any vehicle or missile that is powered by a rocket engine.
Roger: In military jargon, roger essentially means, “I have received your message.” This word is used by military personnel when they communicate over the radio.
Sarge: Sarge is short for Sergeant.
Sergeant: Sergeant is an enlisted ranking in the Marines, Air Force, and Army. This is another great military dog name for a pooch with leadership qualities. 
Sherman: This name has been inspired by one of the most popular tanks used by the Americans in WWII. Officially named the Modern Tank M4, it was nicknamed the ‘Sherman Tank’ by the British, inspired by Civil War General, William Sherman.
Stryker: When you need ammunition and agility, you turn to the Stryker, an armored vehicle with 8 wheels (just like you can always turn to your dog). 
Tank: A vital part of a squad, a tank is a heavily-armed combat vehicle used in military operations. Your dog is going to love this badass name.  
Taser: This refers to an armament that immobilizes a person with an electric shock.
Trooper: This name means a state police officer. 
Varick: This unique German military dog name refers to the protector and ruler.
Whisky: Whisky stands for the letter ‘W’ in the NATO alphabet.
Yankee: Yankee stands for the alphabet ‘Y’ in the NATO alphabet.


Choosing a military dog name can be perplexing given the plethora of great options before you. You may have to go through this list several times before shortlisting your favorites, and then finally deciding on the most suitable one.

Regardless of the moniker you choose, see to it that both you and your dog like it, and it reflects your mutt’s temperament. You cannot go wrong with the name if you ensure this.

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