Whether you are newly engaged or have been married for some time, many people wonder if a square cut diamond is worth the additional cost. Typically referred to as princess cut diamonds because of its shape, this is one of the most popular cuts of gemstone out there. It is actually very simple to determine whether it’s worth it or not. In short, yes — square cut diamonds are generally more expensive than round cut diamonds. But why? Let me break it down for you:

For the average consumer, any ring that exceeds 3 carats is considered to be very large. You may be surprised to learn that a square cut diamond of this size will have a much lower price per carat than its round cut counterpart. Round diamonds are typically more expensive because they can only have faceting on two sides, which in turn make them less brilliant. Square gems can have faceting on all four sides, thus making them appear more brilliant and fetching a higher price than their round cut counterpart.

A 4 carat diamond ring isn’t always necessarily the best option, when it comes to diamonds. There are many factors that need to be considered when making a purchase.

Diamonds are made up of carbon atoms. The hardness and optical characteristics of a stone are determined by the number, type and location of the carbon atoms. The particular arrangement of the carbon atoms that makes up a diamond is called its crystal structure.

Are square cut diamonds more expensive

A lot can happen in a time frame of 10 years . Where you live, your career, and even your outlook on life can change dramatically. Now imagine exchanging vows to commit your love for another person and promising to be with that one person until the end. That’s exactly what happens when someone gets engaged. To make their engagement ring, which is one of the most important things in the world to them, they want the very best diamond there is. It may be hard to believe but the 4-carat diamond that you have set on your favorite ring might actually come from a company just like Forever Brilliant Diamonds online jewelry store.

A high-quality, 4 carat diamond is an incredibly rare find. Although we may hear carat weights thrown around in conversation, seeing a 4-carat diamond in real life is truly a sight to behold. The average carat weight for an engagement ring in the U.S is 1.00ct which gives you an idea of just how significant a 4-carat diamond is. A remarkable feat of both mother nature and the skill of man, purchasing precision cut 4-carat diamonds requires a thorough understanding of diamond quality and a realistic approach to your budget.

You are welcome! In this article, we are prepared to provide you with all the necessary details on 4 carat square cut diamond ring. Also in this post, Solaroidenergy will provide information on 4 carat diamond ring on hand. In order to get the details in its full capacity, you want to make sure you continue reading to find out more on4 carat princess cut diamond ring on hand from the comfort of your home. By the time you are done reading this article, you will surely give us that needed thumbs up.

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4 carat square cut diamond ring

“Go big or go home,” right? While this quote is relevant to some, it’s a different story for 4 carat princess cut diamonds. Going big in terms of size will only thrive if the other 4Cs are in check. There’s no either/or; what matters is to go big but also to go for the best cut especially for a princess cut.

4 Carat Princess Cut Diamond Ring

A big carat size is also synonymous with higher pricing. Pair it with an ideal cut, and we’re looking at diamond prices comparable to the value of a house and lot! Good news is, the rest of the 4Cs can, fortunately, be adjusted so you can save money!

In this post, I’ll be showing you how to find a diamond as big and brilliant as a 4 carat princess cut that’s priced much lower than you expect. Let’s get started!

The 4 Carat Princess Cut Diamond is Underrated

4 Carat Princess Cut Diamond

So, why 4 carats instead of 5? Why not go all the way to 10 if we’re going big anyway? Okay, maybe that’s a bit much. But believe it or not, 4 carats is a strategic number. Since engagement rings bear emotional value, some tend to identify with the tiniest details –  such as a specific number.

By choosing 4 Carats, you’l be steering away from popular carat weights like 1 and 3, and you somehow get to own a unique number. Although not as popular, it’s still big and beautiful nonetheless!

Shopping for a 4 Carat Princess Cut Diamond Ring

4 Carat Princess Cut Diamond Engagement Ring

Although 4 carats is not as in demand as 1ct., it’s still a pretty solid number compared to 3-digit sizes like 3.95ct. Many would want a single digit flaunted in their diamond’s grading report for ideal purposes.

However each of us sees the 4 carats, it’s still big and, a princess cut shouldn’t be taken lightly. With a significant carat size and shape, the most vital thing to look for is authenticity.

Not just if it’s a real diamond or not (which shouldn’t be the case if you shop at renowned diamond stores) but also the accuracy of the 4Cs. Because it’s through these grades where we’ll know the true cost and value of a 4 carat princess cut diamond.

Before anything else, make sure that the one that caught your eye is certified by either GIA or AGS – the top grading labs in the world.

Ideal/Excellent Princess Cut

4 Carat Princess Cut Diamond Ideal Cut

We talked about the sheer importance of the diamond cut one too many times. And I guess I will never get tired of mentioning it in every post I write because it is what it is. That it’s the maker and breaker of the diamond sparkle.

Same goes for 4 carat princess cut diamonds. Cut is the only 4C parameter that’s uncompromisable in all carat size and brilliant diamond shapes. Get to know the princess cut here! Choose your ideal l/w ratio and number of facets and chevrons, but most importantly, make sure it has an ideal/excellent cut.

G Color or Better

4 Carat Princess Cut Diamond Color

Now, we’re talking! This is where you can potentially save money. We’re not rooting for the best color because color is subjective. Some might find an H color icy-white to the naked eye, while others are more captivated by the warm tones of the J to L colors.

The fact is that G color will face up just as white as an E color. Unless you’re a perfectionist or have a personal affiliation with the highest color grade, you don’t have to have the colorless grades.

Just take a look at these examples below:

4 Carat Princess Cut Diamond with E Color4 Carat Princess Cut Diamond with G Color

A lot of other factors contribute to the visual performance of the princess cut. This comparison is only shown to prove that a high color grade doesn’t necessarily mean that the diamond will appear whiter.

One important thing to point out is that since 4 carats is huge, a better color grade is advised. So if you think that G is already warm to you, you may upgrade to F or more if you have a flexible budget.

Another money saver tip is that if you pair your 4 carat princess cut with a rose or yellow gold ring, you may opt for a much lower color grade as it will appear whiter than it is amidst a darker setting.

VS2 Clarity or Lower as Long as It’s Eye Clean

4 Carat Princess Cut Diamond Clarity

VS2 is your safest bet in finding eye clean stones. Again, unless you prefer the highest grades for ideal purposes, there’s no reason to go for a high clarity that you wouldn’t appreciate with your bare eyes.

Yes, we should be aiming for the best clarity since we’re dealing with a big diamond, but 4 carat princess cut diamonds with VS2 clarity are almost always eye clean. And that’s what really matters – that you don’t see any inclusion that will take away from the beauty of the diamond.

One of the diamonds below is a VS1, and the other is a SI1.

Click the images to know which is which!

If a clarity grade that high is indistinguishable to a VS2, should you still consider it? That’s up to you! Although if you want to save more, check out diamonds in the SI1 grade. If you dig hard enough, I’m sure you can still find eye clean stones.

Where to Find Exquisite 4 Carat Princess Cut Diamond Rings

James Allen 4 Carat Princess Cut Diamond

Speaking of clarity, we initially pick diamonds with our eyes. Imagine there’s a selection of 4 carat princess cut diamonds in front of you. All of them are certified and bear ideal cut proportions and a color grade you like. Now, the only deciding factor is clarity.

In a brick and mortar store, you’ll be given a loupe with 10x magnification. But what reputable online diamond stores can compete with is high-tech imagery. These are high definition 360-degree videos and real-life images up to 40x zoom!

Vendors like James Allen provide more options and affordable prices. Nowadays, it’s just practical to go for this route, plus it’s a 100% safe. Check out my online diamond store reviews and see for yourself!

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Princess Cut Diamond vs. Round Cut Diamond

Investing in an engagement ring is a decision that lasts a lifetime. It’s something the bride is going to wear for the rest of her life, so it’s important to choose the right diamond, and more specifically, the right diamond shape. Princess cut diamonds and round cut diamonds are two of the most popular and timeless shapes. But, how do they compare? Here’s an overview of princess cut vs. round cut diamonds:

Round Vs Princess

Princess Cut Diamonds vs. Round Cut Diamonds

First created in 1919 by Marcel Tolkowsky, brilliant round cut diamonds have traditionally been the most popular diamond shape. Tolkowsky used advanced mathematical concepts to craft and cut a shape that would maximize the diamond’s brilliance and sparkle. Thanks to his hard work, this shape is coveted by women around the world.

The round cut boasts 58 facets yet still maintains a large percentage of the stone’s original weight. Because of its symmetrical shape, it captures light beautifully, putting the stone’s natural fire, brilliance, and sparkle on display.

Round Cut Diamond

Cutting a round diamond by hand is not easy—especially if the diamond is smaller in size. Fortunately, modern cutting techniques allow jewelers to ensure that even smaller round brilliant diamonds offer excellent light dispersion, maximizing the stone’s brightness and beauty.  

The princess cut diamond, on the other hand, was not created until 1961. Arpad Nagy, a diamond cutter living in London, created what he initially called the profile cut. However, the name did not stick, and the shape eventually became referred to as the princess cut.

Princess Cut Diamond

Princess cut diamonds are uniquely shaped and have a great deal of sparkle. The princess cut is typically square, although it can have a slightly rectangular outline—it depends on the original diamond being cut, as well as the preference of the buyer.  These diamonds have 58 facets that are similar in position to those found in round cut diamonds.round or princess cut

Choose a brilliant facet arrangement for your round or princess cut

Which is More Affordable: Princess Cut or Round Cut Diamonds?

There are many factors that could affect the price of a diamond. But in general, carat for carat, you are likely to find that square princess diamonds are more affordable than round brilliant diamonds. They typically have a lower price-per-carat than their round cut counterparts.

Why? Diamond cutters typically use around 80% of the rough diamond when they create a princess cut diamond, which means only about 20% of the rough diamond will go to waste. However, diamond cutters lose much more of the rough diamond when they create round cut diamonds.

When assessing princess cut vs. round cut diamonds, it should be noted that the creation of a round cut diamond wastes more of the original diamond than the creation of any other cut.

If you want to find the most affordable princess cut diamond, look for one with a slightly rectangular shape. Diamond cutters lose more of the rough diamond when they create square-shaped princess cuts, so these diamonds are more expensive than rectangular princess cuts.

Loose round cut diamond

The Brilliance of Princess Cut and Round Cut Diamonds

Nothing sparkles and shines quite like a round cut diamond. Round cuts tend to handle light better, resulting in greater sparkle. They also tend to have fewer flaws and more clarity, which adds to their sparkling brilliance. If you want a diamond with a blindingly bright sparkle, the round cut is the right choice for you.

If your heart is set on a princess cut diamond, make sure you choose the one with the most sparkle. Princess cut diamonds can come with either a brilliant or radiant cut. Opting for a brilliant cut will ensure that the stone’s sparkle is maximized and is most comparable to the brilliance found in a round cut diamond.

The Clarity of Round vs. Princess Cut Diamonds

Before buying a diamond, make sure you check its clarity grade. Each diamond is given a clarity grade based on the number of imperfections found internally and externally on the stone.

Some diamonds hide imperfections better than others. Minor flaws are easily hidden or camouflaged in round cut diamonds because of the multi-faceted cut and brilliant sparkle. This means you can save money by choosing a round cut diamond with a slightly lower clarity grade since the imperfections will not be visible.

Princess cut diamonds tend to have more flaws and imperfections than round cut diamonds. However, it’s common for these imperfections and flaws to be located in the four corners of the diamond. A prong setting will cover imperfections located in the corners, making the diamond appear flawless.

The Color of Round vs. Princess Cut Diamonds

Color is another important factor to consider when shopping for a diamond. Ideally, a diamond should be colorless. But, since colorless diamonds are expensive, many people must choose a diamond with slightly lower grades on the color scale.

Round cut diamonds reflect more light than any other shape, which allows them to hide hints of color. Therefore, it’s perfectly fine to choose a round cut diamond with a lower color grade in order to stay within your budget.

Princess cut diamonds, however, show more color than round cut diamonds. Be mindful when shopping for a princess cut diamond to ensure you do not choose one with too much color. You don’t have to choose a colorless princess cut diamond, but don’t go as low on the color scale as you would with a round cut diamond.

Which Shape Fits Your Lifestyle?

It’s important to choose a diamond that will work well with your lifestyle, which is why you should consider how princess cut and round cut diamonds will affect your day-to-day routine.

For example, consider the fact that princess cut diamonds have four corners that can easily snag on your clothing or hair. This can be frustrating if it happens repeatedly, especially since it can lead to chipping over time.

The best way to avoid this problem is to protect the four corners of a princess cut diamond with a four-prong setting to prevent snags. Another solution is to choose a round cut diamond, which has smooth edges that will not snag on your clothing or hair.

If you work with your hands a lot or live an active lifestyle, this is an important factor to consider when selecting the right shape for you.

The Right Settings For Round and Princess Cut Diamonds

Round cut diamonds are extremely versatile. They are often worn as a solitaire, in a two or three stone ring, or paired with other bands. Because this shape is so popular, it’s not hard to find a wide variety of settings that feature round cut diamonds.

If you can’t find the perfect setting, you can also choose a loose round cut diamond and make your dreams come true by designing a custom setting.

Round cut diamonds are typically found in four or six prong settings. But, if the round cut diamond is large, it’s best to secure it with six prongs instead of taking your chances with four.

Princess cut stones are generally considered more contemporary than the traditional round cut diamond. They are usually placed in four prong setting, with one prong securing each of the diamond’s four corners.

Princess cut stones also work well in stylish channel settings where the stones are secured between vertical metal walls, creating a channel or corridor around them. They pair beautifully with floral filigree settings, the cushion princess setting, or the princess diamond wrap. All of these are more modern designs that complement the unique look of the princess cut diamond.

Princess cut diamonds and round cut diamonds work well with a variety of settings, so look at as many styles as you can while making your decision. Every stone has something special to offer.Princess cut vs Round

Princess cut v Round

Which is Better: Princess Cut or Round Cut Diamonds?

Now that you know the pros and cons of each shape, it’s time to determine which one is better. The round cut diamond has been a favorite for almost a century, while the square princess cut offers an edgier, more modern look.

Both shapes are beautiful, so how do you choose between a round cut diamond ring and a princess cut diamond ring?

As it turns out, both princess cut diamonds and round diamonds offer unique advantages. Round cuts tend to have greater brilliance, whereas princess cuts may be better for your budget.

Either way, jewelry experts agree that when comparing a princess cut diamond to a round cut diamond, it is a good idea to make no sacrifices in cut quality. If you have to make a compromise in order to satisfy your budget, you’ll find that it is normally better to do so in terms of color or clarity. A poorly cut diamond looks less beautiful, even if it is a larger one.

Princes Cut Diamond - Round Cut Diamond Comparison

The Importance of Choosing A Diamond You Desire

It’s very important to consider factors such as cost, brilliance, and durability when choosing the right diamond cut. But, personal taste should play a big role as you evaluate different factors about princess cut or round cut diamond shapes.

Each type of diamond looks different when placed in particular settings. For example, a princess cut diamond looks particularly beautiful in a three stone arrangement, while a brilliant round diamond can perform spectacularly in a halo arrangement. Think about what you prefer before deciding which diamond shape is best for you.

Another personal factor to consider when shopping for a round or princess diamond engagement ring is the size and shape of the bride’s hand. Someone with a small dainty hand may prefer a smaller, more traditional setting, while a bride with larger hands may look best in a more contemporary setting with a larger stone.  Brides should take time to look at several different options, try them on, and select the setting that looks best on their hand.

Remember, there’s no right or wrong answer when it comes to selecting the right diamond shape. It’s all about what you love! Taking all aspects into consideration, the bride should choose the diamond cut and setting that she prefers and looks and feels the best on her hand. After all, a diamond is forever.

By following these steps, you can ensure not only that you are making a wise financial investment, but also that the bride will have an engagement ring she absolutely loves.

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4 carat cushion cut diamond ring

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