Sometimes the rain provides you with a reason to stay in – and it’s even more fun if you have something to do! These 100 rainy day activities are the perfect excuse for an off-the-cuff date-night, with ideas that are perfect for couples.

As the saying goes – All work and no play will make Jack / Jill a dull boy / girl.   So why not spend a lovely and cozy day at home with your special someone? Scroll down to see the 100 things you can do on a rainy day,  many of which (perhaps, even better than your average date) will surely brighten up your spirits, bring you closer to each other, and add some more drama to your relationship.

It’s the freakin’ weekend, but the weather is less than stellar. You don’t want to be playing Xbox all day, right? Before you start worrying about how long it will take to clean your house or hide in a cave (I kid. I kid.), you should see this list below of 100 things to do on a rainy day. Sick of doing the same old thing over and over? It’s time for you to break out of your dull routine and do something different. This list is packed with ideas for things you can do with friends and family, or by yourself. What if it doesn’t rain where you live? No problem! There are plenty of these ideas that are great for any weather conditions.

100 things to do on a rainy day for adults

There is just something about staying in on a rainy day that makes it seem like a perfect time to curl up on the couch with your significant other and watch an entire series straight through. What could be better? But even after you’ve faded in and out of sleep during the first season of your favorite show, there’s still 100 more great things you can do.

Lots of people hate the rain. But I don’t. Sure, it doesn’t feel good to have a leaky roof or have your shoes ruined by a puddle on the streets, but for me, it’s an adventure waiting to happen. And that’s why I love rainy days and put them right next to sunny days.

There’s nothing worse than a rainy day. Unless it’s a Wednesday in October and the rain is right after the global oil supply was cut off by a terror attack that killed thousands. Because then you could get an oil-powered lawn mower and run over anyone who comes near your house while singing “Living on a Prayer” at full volume. But, sadly, something like that won’t be happening this week. Nobody wants to hear you sing (we’re pretty sure if you do, our ears will fall off). Plus, there’s bound to be some sort of apocalypse before next week. So you will probably want to go out for a date on one of these days when rain forces you to stay in and do something else in most cases just means to stay in bed with Netflix, which isn’t really what these first dates are about.

38 Awesome Rainy Day Date Ideas: Not Your Usual Stay-In Date.

rainy day date ideas

Rain can put a damper on anyone’s day. Even more so if you have something special planned.

If there’s one thing that’s embedded in my brain, it’s that if I have a date planned, I can always count on rain to show up. In fact, I’ve come to think of it as a third wheel!

If you can relate, and you’re looking for fun ways to spend your date, I can help.

Trust me when I say I’ve tried everything — from horror-movie marathons to mud-sliding dates!

Needless to say, I’ve had quite a few bad date ideas, but that’s actually a good thing! Now I can let you in on my list of the best rainy day date ideas, so you don’t have to cancel another rendezvous because of bad weather.
38 Fun Rainy Day Date Ideas You Can Use For Any Date
Rainy Day Date Ideas You Can Try at Home

If you and your significant other absolutely hate the rain, and you dread even thinking of going outside, try some of these indoor rainy day date ideas.

  1. Have a Game Night for Two

Everyone has board games lying around the house. If you’re looking for something to spark up your competitive side, organize a game night with your partner. You can play for fun, or, if you really want to take it up a notch, you can opt to play for prizes. I’m not going to tell you what you can play for; I’ll let you get creative.

  1. Host a Game Night With Friends

If you’re comfortable with inviting some friends over on your date night, go for it! You can invite them over for a game night and split up into teams. That would be an excellent option if you were planning on introducing your partner to your friends.

Here are some game ideas to get you started:

Trivia games
Truth or dare
Cards against humanity
  1. Have a Picnic

Fun fact: you don’t have to have a picnic outside.

If both you and your partner like dates that involve food, why not set up a picnic right in your living room?

You can make it authentic by getting out your picnic blanket and packing a picnic basket complete with some creative food ideas. Also, don’t forget to include a bottle of wine and a corkscrew!

  1. Romantic Candlelight Dinner

This classic rainy day date idea is one of those that will never go out of style. Show off your cooking skills by making a delicious home-cooked meal for your date. It’s a guaranteed way to impress them, and you’ll both enjoy some yummy food!

  1. Order Takeout

If you’re not exactly skilled in the kitchen, no need to worry! Order takeout, but try to mix it up by ordering from different places. You can have a feast of pizza, chicken wings, and Chinese food right in front of your TV. And the best part is that you’ll have leftovers in the morning!

  1. Have a Karaoke Night

Couples that sing together, stay together!

This activity is one of my all-time favorites! The great thing about it is that you don’t need any fancy equipment. There are plenty of karaoke songs to choose from on YouTube, so just get out a couple of hairbrushes and sing your hearts out!

  1. Try a Drinking Game

From never have I ever to drunk Jenga, there are a million drinking games to choose from, and they’re all fun! Alternately, you can even make one up together. For example, you can create a movie drinking game. Pick a movie you both enjoy and write down the rules for when you have to drink. Also, you can pick actions or words; it’s entirely up to you.

  1. Make Some Tacos

Generally speaking, everyone enjoys a good taco. Stack up on some beans, coleslaw, and store-bought tor tacos (unless you plan on making your own), and don’t forget the condiments. Also, you won’t go wrong if you happen to add some margaritas to the mix!

  1. Have an Oldies Movie Marathon

Obviously, you don’t have to watch black-and-white movies if that’s not your thing. You can easily binge all three Back to the Future films, or perhaps you’re more into the Home Alone franchise? Either way, butter up some popcorn, and let the movie marathon begin!

  1. Listen to Old Records

Nothing sounds better than vinyl. Get out your records, pop open a bottle of wine, and let the romance begin!

  1. Listen to Horror Stories

If you’re sick of watching horror movies, try listening to scary stories online. There are plenty to choose from on YouTube, and you can snuggle in bed while you’re at it.

  1. Spend the Day in Bed

Overall, this is one of those rainy day date ideas for couples that like to spend them in the comfort of their beds.

There’s something magical about lying in bed and listening to the rain. It makes you feel cozy and safe, especially if you’ve got someone to snuggle up to.
Rainy Day Date Ideas You Can Try Outside (If You Don’t Mind Getting Wet)

For those of you who are more on the adventurous side, you’re going to love these outdoor rainy day date ideas!

  1. Go for a Walk

Get out your big umbrella and hit the street! In reality, there are plenty of people who enjoy rain over sunshine, and walking in the rain with your significant other is as romantic as it gets! Afterward, you can grab a cup of hot cocoa to warm up.

  1. Go Swimming

As a kid, I always loved swimming in the rain. However, I recently found out that I still enjoy it!

If you have a pool in your backyard, then you’ve hit the jackpot! Put your bathing suit on and jump in. However, if you don’t have your own swimming pool, you can always go to a community one. The chances are, you’ll have the entire pool to yourselves.

Afterward, make yourselves a warm cup of tea and cozy up to each other to warm up.

  1. Take Your Dogs Out for a Walk

Ok, so this idea only works if at least one of you actually owns a dog.

There’s no better time to take your furry friend out for a walk than when it’s raining! Obviously, your dog will get muddy and wet, and so will the two of you, but who cares! As a result, you’re bound to have a good laugh while you’re outside.

  1. Have a Photoshoot

If you’ve got the right equipment, go for it! Since everyone knows that rainy day pictures are the best, snap a few for your Instagram account.

  1. Have a Picnic on Your Porch

There’s nothing better than listening and watching the rain up close. Take your picnic to the porch, and I guarantee you you’ll both love it. Meanwhile, you’ll get to see, hear, and smell the rain, without getting wet!

For those of you who live in a building, don’t worry; I’ve got a solution. Simply move your dining table to the closest window, open it, and voilà! You’ll get the same experience.

  1. Try Mudsliding

This idea is only for those of you who aren’t afraid to get wet and dirty. Basically, mudsliding is just like tobogganing, but, instead of snow, you’re going to be sliding through the mud. Get out your toboggan and head for the nearest hill. You’ll feel like kids again!
Rainy Day Date Ideas Away From Home

Finally, for those of you who don’t want to stay at home, yet you’re not really up for getting your hair wet, these rainy day date ideas away from home will keep you both dry and entertained!

  1. Go Bowling

Bowling is a fantastic idea, regardless of the weather. It’s competitive, fun, and it’s inside. Basically, whether it’s your first date or a scheduled date night with your husband, you can’t go wrong with bowling!

  1. Laser Tag

As I said, you can’t go wrong with bowling. However, if you’re looking for something to get your adrenaline going, laser tag is the perfect solution!

  1. Visit an Arcade

If you’re a fan of carnivals, then going to the arcade is the indoor equivalent to a carnival. You and your partner can play games ‘til you drop, and who knows, you may even get a prize by the end of the night!

  1. Rollerblading or Ice Skating

Luckily, there are plenty of indoor skating and rollerblading rinks you can go to. Don’t worry; you don’t have to be pros in order to do this activity. In fact, it’s way more fun if you have to help each other up from time to time.

  1. Play Mini-Golf

We’re lucky to have mini-golf indoors now too! If you want to play something fun and leisurely, mini-golf is a perfect choice.

  1. Play Pool

You can play pool for fun or for prizes. That is a pretty old-school rainy-day pastime. Nevertheless, it still holds up to this day!

  1. Go to the Movies

If you’re not in the mood for Netflix and chill, then maybe going to the movies is a better option (especially if you’re on a first date). You can even opt to invite another couple to come along and have a double date.

  1. Spend the Day at the Mall

If the rain has ruined your outdoor date plans, why not spend the day at the mall? You’ve basically got everything you need in one place — from entertainment to food options. You can go shopping, stop for coffee, grab a bite to eat, and you won’t even notice the rain!

  1. Go to a Restaurant

This option is an obvious one, but it allows you to get all dressed up for a fancy dinner date. Also, you can go someplace you’ve never been to. Who knows, you may even find your new favorite restaurant!

  1. Go to a Bar

If you’re both night owls, go bar hopping until you find a place you both like. Also, there are plenty of bars with live music if that’s your thing.

  1. Visit a Comedy Club

Comedy clubs are a great option for first dates. For starters, you won’t feel pressured to talk so much, and you’ll both feel more relaxed after you’ve had a good laugh!

  1. Go to an Aquarium

A date at the aquarium is a magical experience. The dim lights and beautiful colors are perfect for setting the mood.

  1. Go to the Planetarium

Who says you can’t see the stars on a rainy night? Plan a date at the planetarium, and you’ll forget all about the weather outside.

  1. Go to a Gallery or Museum

If you’d like a more sophisticated setting for a first date, why not go to a gallery you like. You can also go to a museum — whichever you prefer.

  1. Go to a Novelty Museum

If you think regular museums are boring, you can always take your date to a novelty museum. For one thing, you can find all sorts of weird kinds, ranging from doll museums to toilet museums!

  1. Go Thrifting

Let’s admit that thrifting is fun regardless of the weather! However, if you want to really have fun on your date, why not compete to see who can find the weirdest piece of clothing or a book with the strangest title?

  1. See a Play

Why not? Even if neither of you is all that into plays, it’ll be an excellent experience. As a result, you may even enjoy it!

  1. Book a Murder Mystery Dinner Date

Murder mystery dinner dates are perfect for couples looking for a thrill with their meal! Surprise your date by booking tickets to a show and prepare to be amazed!

  1. Go to a Haunted House

If you and your significant other enjoy a good scare, then you’ll love visiting a haunted house. What’s more, you’ll have someone to hold your hand the entire time.

  1. Try “Glamping”

Glamping or glamorous camping is basically the perfect combination of two things that are complete opposites! Let’s say your partner is a fan of camping, but you’re not really an outdoor kind of gal.

You can meet in the middle and go “camping” at a bed and breakfast near the woods. Or, if you’re willing to go the extra mile, consider renting a camper. That way, you’ll be in the wild, but you’ll be able to sleep in a comfy bed.
The Conclusion

As you can see, there are plenty of things you can do when it’s raining, and they don’t require you to get wet (unless you want to!).

In the end, if the rain decides to ruin your plans, these rainy day date ideas will save the day! To be honest, you can try out most of these activities even when it’s not raining, and you’ll still have a blast. What’s your favorite idea from the list, and do you have any of your own?

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